Sunday’s Schedule:
Gates open at 7:00 am
Check in starts at 7:15 am
Breakfast from Snack Shot will be available from 7:30am - 10:00am
Meet your generals, safety and game briefing 9:00am
Game 1 starts at 10:00am
Game break will be from 11:00am-11:30am
Game 2 starts at 11:30am-1:00pm
Lunch available at Snackshot from 11:00am - 2:00pm
Game 3 starts at 1:30pm-2:30pm
Raffle 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Final Battle 3:30pm - 4:15pm
Final score, awards for MVP/MVT, and the after party will begin at 4:30 at Snackshot.
Meet Your Generals:
Commanding The Brotherhood of Steel (Blue Team) is Andrew Beliveau! Andrew is a seasoned paintball veteran with multiple MVT/MVP awards under his belt! Don’t let Andrew's gentle demeanor fool you, he is packed with explosive energy and stamina! He is like the energizer bunny of paintball! His skills will lead the blue team to the Battlefield!
Commanding The Enclave (Red Team) is Mr. Positivity himself, Mike Barney! If you play paintball in New England you probably know Mike Barney well! You might have even been on the receiving end of a paintball or two. Mike, along with his many allies, will rally and play hard all day! THAT IS A FACT!
Brotherhood Of Steel (BLUE TEAM)
The Enclave (RED TEAM)
GAME 1: Picking up the Trail
Summary: Each Team must establish their home bases and scavenge for caps.
Team Starting Positions:
Brotherhood Of Steel (Center of Breakpoint)
The Enclave (Center of Graveyard)
OBJECTIVE 1: Capture bases to establish your position in the wasteland! Raise your team’s flag at a base to capture it and allow your team to respawn there.
Megaton (Tomahawk)
Project Purity (Castle Anthrax)
The Citadel (Octagon)
Rivet City (Bridge)
-Each base capture is worth 75 points
OBJECTIVE 2: Scavenge for caps to purchase powerful gear at each base!
-Caps may be found all across the playing field
-Caps may be kept between games and traded between players
-Shops will be present in each main base, though more powerful perks might be found at wandering traders…
-Caps DO NOT need to be dropped when eliminated, though any perks or equipment can only be bought while ALIVE
GAME 2: Finding the Garden of Eden
Summary: Protect your home bases and capture key defensive points in the wasteland, while searching for the all-important G.E.C.K.
Team Starting Base:
Brotherhood Of Steel (Any owned bases from game 1)
The Enclave (Any owned bases from game 1)
OBJECTIVE 1: Protect your main bases and move to capture the enemy territory! Raise your team’s flag at a base to capture it and allow your team to respawn there.
Megaton (Tomahawk)
Project Purity (Castle Anthrax)
The Citadel (Octagon)
Rivet City (Bridge)
-Each base capture is worth 75 points
OBJECTIVE 2: Capture and control key territories in the wasteland! Place your team’s colored flag on the top of purple stakes (marked on the Game 2 map) and control them at the end of the game to score points!
-Each territory controlled at the end of the game is worth 50 points
OBJECTIVE 3: Locate the (Garden of Eden Creation Device)G.E.C.K and bring it back to one of your main bases to score!
-Protecting the G.E.C.K until the end of the game scores 75 points
GAME 3: The American Dream
Summary: Fight with Liberty Prime towards Project Purity!
Team Starting locations:
Brotherhood Of Steel (Village)
The Enclave (Octagon/Graveyard Boundary)
OBJECTIVE 1: Push Forward with Liberty Prime towards Project Purity
-The Brotherhood Of Steel must escort Liberty Prime along the path (marked on map) towards Project Purity
-Successfully escorting Liberty Prime to the Castle boundary will score 200 points
-Liberty Prime cannot pass the furthest advanced player, so make sure to push forward!
OBJECTIVE 2: Destroy Energy Barriers along the way!
-Energy barriers will be present at each field boundary (marked on map)
-Each barrier destroyed/protected will score 75 points at the end of the game
-Brotherhood Of Steel players CANNOT pass energy barriers until they are destroyed by Liberty Prime
GAME 4: Take it Back!
Summary: Fight the final battle to reach the control console and stop Project Purity from overloading!
OBJECTIVE : Stop the overload!
The Brotherhood has 45 minutes to stop Project Purity from overloading.
-Flip the switch on the console to score 75 points before time runs out!
Team Starting Locations:
Brotherhood Of Steel (Roanoke Village)
The Enclave (Castle)
1) Eliminate players from the other team.
1 points for every player eliminated
2) Eliminate generals from the other team
5 points for every general eliminated
3) Collect Caps
Collect caps to purchase helpful perks or score points in base shops or wandering traders
4) Collect Skill Booklets
50 points for each Skill Booklet brought to your base
5) Collect Fusion Cores
75 points for each Fusion Core brought to a respawn
General Rules:
Brotherhood Of Steel (BLUE)
The Enclave (RED)
Scenario Color (PURPLE)
Player Points:
1 Point for every player shot out of the game (this will be tracked at respawn)
** players caught cheating will cost their team (-10 points) don’t cheat...it's not cool.
Players may respawn at any Main Base currently controlled by their team (their team’s colored flag raised). At the start of each game respawn will be instant. Players must touch respawn points.
Several perks are available for purchase with caps inside base shops or wandering traders:
Shields: Several shields are available for purchase, and players can use them to protect themselves. If a player gets shot out they must drop the shield where they are standing.
RadAway: Use the RadAway to revive yourself. Once you have been eliminated, give the RadAway to any referee and they will allow you to be revived back into the game. Players using RadAway may choose any live teammate to respawn at. RadAway is single use and cannot be used multiple times.
Respawn Delay: Use the Respawn Delay to delay the opposing team’s respawn for 3 minutes.
Revive the Dead: Find this perk and revive the dead. When the revive the death perk is earned and used any eliminated player walking back to the respawn area will automatically be revived. ONE time use only.
Mini-Nukes: Find this perk and eliminate every player behind a single bunker. This will also eliminate any player using a shield. After a mini nuke has been deployed it can be retrieved and re-used .
Rocket Launcher: Rocket Launchers are available for purchase. Rocket launchers can be used by the generals ONLY. Rockets eliminate players behind any bunker or shield. Rockets can also be used to disable Liberty Prime for 1 minute. Rockets can be retrieved and used again.
Players must bring perks to ANY referee to use it.