A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
The galaxy rejoices as the Clone Wars draw to a close. With the fall of the Separatists, a fragile peace emerges under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, unbeknownst to the Jedi Order, a sinister plan
lurks in the shadows. JEDI MASTER QUINLON VOS, renowned for his unconventional methods and unwavering dedication to the Force, embarks on a perilous mission to Agamar, where he is tasked with uncovering a hidden Sith conspiracy, Vos
leads a team of Jedi deep into the heart of darkness. Yet, as celebrations echo across the stars, CHANCELLOR PALPATINE
issues ORDER 66—a decree that will change the fate of the galaxy forever. In an instant, clone troopers, once comrades-in-arms, turn their blasters on the Jedi they once served. Caught in the chaos of betrayal, Master Quinlon Vos and his team fight
desperately for survival. As the galaxy plunges into darkness, one question remains: Will the Jedi survive this purge?
Sunday’s Schedule:
Meet Your Generals:
Commanding The Jedi as Quinlan Vos (Blue Team) is Craig Baxter! A true veteran of the game, Criag has been playing since 2004! He is the owner and founder of Kings Creation! Criag is a true paintball player and promoter! Welcome the King for his FIRST appearance as general for AG! Commanding The Clone Trooper as Commander Bly (Red Team) is Chris Guyette! A fellow creator and owner of Christian’s Custom’s. Chris is an outright Baller! Chris often rolls with a big crew, whether it's with Send it, Positive Impact, he is no stranger to winning!
Summary: The Jedi have been betrayed and caught off guard by the Clones led by Commander Bly.
Team Starting Base:
Team Jedi Octagon
Team Empire Castle
The Jedi must escape the clone trooper army! 6 Jedi have found themselves surrounded by the clone trooper and
Commander Bly. The Jedi must escape and regroup with their allies.
Team Jedi: The Jedi must send a signal to their allies to arrange rescue.
4 Transmission towers are located throughout Agamar. The Jedi must bring a key to each transmission tower to activate it and send a distress call. Each tower has a unique key however so make sure you use the right one! Jedi Quinlin Vos has the 4 keys.
Team Empire: The Clone Trooper have orders from the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine to secure Agamar at all cost, as it is a strategic point in the outer rim of the galaxy.
3 shield generators are located throughout the planet. Each shield generator
needs a power cell to be activated. The Clones must deliver the correct power
cell to each shield generator. Power cells are located in the Clones Main Starting Base.
(Please note: Power cells for generators or Keys for Communication towers can not be removed by the opposing teams)
OBJECTIVE 3: Find Key Items to help your side!
Team Jedi: The Jedi must find the following items and return them to their main base.
1. Thermal Detonator 20 Points
2. Communicator 20 Points
3. Blaster 20 Points
4. Light Saber Hilt (3 Pieces) 50 Points
Team Empire: The Empire must find the following items and return them to their main base.
5. Thermal Detonator 20 Points
6. Communicator 20 Points
7. Blaster 20 Points
8. Light Saber Hilt (3 Pieces) 50 Points
Jedi and Sith must square off in one epic duel! Players must decide to use a blaster or saber. The winner will be awarded 20 points
Summary: The Jedi must escape and warn the others about the Clone troopers treachery and the threat to the republic
Team Starting Base:
Team Jedi Castle
Team Empire Octagon
8 Force Convergence points have been located on Agamor. Amplify the Light Side or Dark Side of the force to help your team. Your team must bring 3 “Force Artifacts” to each Convergence Point to score.
30 Points for each Force Convergence Point amplified at the end of the game
PLEASE NOTE: Force Artifacts can only be carried one at a time. (i.e one player x one artifact) Force Artifacts can be destroyed by the opposing team however and the Force Convergence Point can be reclaimed.
Loyalists to the Jedi have received the distress signal from Quinlan Vos and his fellow Jedi. They plan on sending down 4 rescue ships to help retrieve the jedi from Agamor. The ships can not stay long because of the massive conflict that has broken out all over the planet. The ship can only land for about 10 minutes each before they will leave the planet, with or without the
Jedi. Quinlan Vos has elected to stay behind to help out the native Agmorian People, which leaves 6 Total Jedi who must escape.
60 Points for each Jedi successfully rescued
60 Points for each Jedi that Eliminated during the rescue.
PLEASE NOTE: The Jedi must send at least one jedi out every time a rescue
ship lands.
OBJECTIVE 3: This IS the Droid you're looking for!
Droids containing valuable information about the republic have been lost during the confusion of Order 66. Each team must find their droid and all it's components. All Components must be delivered to the droid inorder to activate it. Once the droid is activated then it can be moved to each teams starting base.
Components Include:
Processor 20 Points
Communication Clip 20 Points
Power Cell 20 Points
30 Points for Driod returned to starting Base
PLEASE NOTE: Droids or Components can not be moved by the opposing team.
Jedi and Sith must square off in one epic duel! Players must decide to use a blaster or saber. The winner will be awarded 20 points
GAME 3: Order 66
Summary: Quinlan Vos squares off in one final battle with general BLY! STAR WARS FINAL EPIC BATTLE!
Please Note: any item must be brought back to your teams base to score.
1) Eliminate Players from the other team.
1 point for every player eliminated
2) Eliminate generals from the other team
3 points for every general eliminated
3) Find Kyber Crystals:
10 points for each Kyber Crystal found
4) Find The Book of the SITH: Follow the map and find the location of the lost book of the sith
70 points for finding Book of the SITH
5) Find The Book of the JEDI: Follow the map and find the location of the lost book of the jedi
70 points for finding Book of the JEDI
General Rules:
Scenario Color (PURPLE)
Player Points:
1 Point for every eliminated player (this will be tracked at respawn)
** players caught cheating will cost their team (-10 points) don’t cheat...it's not cool.
Respawn: Players may respawn at their designated main base or at any of the mobile respawns.
Mobile Respawn: (Staff member with pink vest) Mobile Respawns will be located throughout the field. Players may use these
respawns to get back into the game.
Game Perks: Several perks are located throughout the fields.
Shields: Several shields are located through the field and players can use them to protect themselves. If a player gets shot out, they must drop the shield where they are standing. Shields are color coded and can only be picked up by members of the team.
Extra Life: Use the Extra Life to revive yourself. Once you have been eliminated, give the Extra Life to any referee and they will allow you to be revived back into the game. Medpacks are for single use and cannot be used multiple times.
Force Lightning: Unleash your dark side and send force lightning into the battlefield. Be careful where you unleash this perk however because it will eliminate all players caught in the lightning. (Purple Smoke)
Imperial Credits: Find Imperial Credit and hire the BOUNTY HUNTER! Give the Bounty Hunter an Imperial Credit and hire him to fight for your side. Each Credit will get you 10 minutes of game play. Beware of the Bounty Hunter long range weapon!
Star Destroyer: Find this perk and unleash a planetary bombardment from space!! This perk will whip out all your opponents on a single field.
Force Choke: Use this perk to “Force Choke” 1 player and eliminate them from the battlefield! Bring this perk to any referee to use.
Delay Reinforcements: Use the perk to delay respawn and mobile spawn for 3 minutes.