The world needed a hero -- it got a hedgehog. Powered with incredible speed, Sonic aims to halt Robotnik's plans to imprison animal inhabitants of South Island inside aggressive robots and stationary metal capsules. The Seven Chaos Emeralds are the key for Robotnik's total control of the island. Race to secure all the emeralds and save the day! Gotta go fast!
Sonic the Hedgehog Paintball Scenario Game is here and the full paintball scenario experience is back at Adventure Games. This means no mandatory pre-registration or player cap for this event. MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY! Raffle Prizes, trophies for MVP and MVT, pictures, lunch from Snackshot, and all the paintball you could ask for! Formulate your battle plans and read the game rules below.
Sunday’s Schedule:
Meet Your Generals:
Commanding Team Hedgehog (Blue Team):
Kenny Morin! Kenny is a seasoned paintball veteran with multiple MVT/MVP awards under his belt, including recent wins at AG’s Winter Classic and OSG 3-man Mounds tournaments! His skills will lead the blue team to the Battlefield!
CommandingTeam Eggman (Red Team):
Greg Ware! Greg lives and breathes paintball, always bringing energy, crazy hairdos and surprises to the field! As the unofficial/official hype man at AG, he’ll rally his team to take on the blue team!
GAME 1: The Green Hill Zone
Summary: Race through the Green Hills Zone and Collect Magic Rings
Team Starting Base:
Team Hedgehog - Octagon
Team Eggman - Castle
OBJECTIVE 1: Save The Game!
Each team must find power rings that have been spread out throughout the level of the Green Hill Zone, and use them on the legendary “Save Spindles”. 10 “Save Spindles are available
The first team to 20 Power Rings on a Save Spindle will score!
50 points for each captured Save Spindle
OBJECTIVE 2: Robotnik Capsules
Team Hedgehog must find and destroy all 4 Robotnik Capsules and free the animals inside.
50 Points for each Capsule destroyed
10 points for each animal returned to your main base
(Please note: players may only grab one animal at a time! 1 animal x 1 player)
Team Eggman must find and Protect all 4 Robotnik Capsules.
50 points for each capsule intact at the end of the game
10 points for each remaining animal
GAME 2: Race Through The Zones of Mobius
Summary: Race through the world of Mobius and capture each zone's goal plate.
Team Starting Base:
Team Hedgehog - Castle
Team Eggman - Octagon
Race though each of the world's 11 zones and Capture your team's goal plate. Once you have captured your goal plate bring it back to your teams respawn to score
50 points for each goal plate captured
OBJECTIVE 2: Robotnik Capsules
Dr. Robotnik has placed one of his robot henchmen at each of the 4 capsules to defend them!
Bring the Item Boxes to help your team! Bring your team’s item boxes to a special location on the map to score points. Items will be located in each team's base at the start of the game.
Item List:
25 points for each item box delivered
OBJECTIVE 4: Collect the Rings!
Collect any and all remaining rings and bring them back to your base to score!
2 points for each ring
GAME 3: Robotnik's Escape to Space
Summary: Dr. Robotnik with his new mechanized suit tries to escape to space! Gear up for one final EPIC BATTLE!
General Rules:
Team Hedgehog (BLUE)
Team Eggman (RED)
Player Points:
1 Points for every player shot out of the game (this will be tracked at respawn)
** players caught cheating will cost their team (-10 points) don’t cheat...it's not cool.
One location for each team behind the main base. At the start of each game respawn will be instant. Players must touch respawn points. Mobile respawns function the same as base respawns.
Game Perks:
Several perks are located throughout the fields.
Shields: Several shields are located through the field and players can use them to protect themselves. If a player gets shot out, they must drop the shield where they are standing. Shields are color coded and can only be picked up by members of the team.
Extra Life: Use the Extra Life to revive yourself. Once you have been eliminated, give the Extra Life to any referee and they will allow you to be revived back into the game. Medpacks are for single use and cannot be used multiple times.
Sonic/Shadow Spin Shot: Use the Spin shot to destroy players behind a bunker, to destroy players holding shields, or spike strips. Team must use a spin shot of its own color only. (Blue for Team Sonic or Red for Team Robotnik)
Spike Strips: Use metal spike strips to kill! Spike strips can be laid down to prevent players from passing a certain area. Spike strips cannot be moved once placed, nor jumped over. If any player steps or jumps over the spikes they will be eliminated.
Delay Reinforcements: Use the perk to delay respawn and mobile spawn for 3 minutes.
Power Rings: Players can use Power Rings at any mobile respawn to be revived back into the game.
Players must bring perks to
ANY referee to use it.