Limited Capacity

Pokémon Play & Rules

July 31, 2022

Learn how to play in the Pokémon Scenario Game

Welcome to the Amazing world of Pokémon!

Ash Ketchum aspires to be the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world. Ash, along with the help of his friend the Adventurers, have to defeat each Pokémon gym and the Final Four Pokémon Masters to become a Pokémon master! Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon and become stronger, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket!

POKÉMON is here and the full paintball scenario experience is back at Adventure Games. This means no mandatory pre-registration or player cap for this event. MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY! Raffle Prizes, trophies for MVP and MVT, pictures, lunch from Snackshot, and all the paintball you could ask for! Formulate your battle plans and read the game rules below.

Sunday’s Schedule:

Gates open at 7:00am

Check in starts at 7:15am

Breakfast from Snack Shot will be available from 7:30am - 10:00am

Meet your generals, safety and game briefing 9:00am

Game starts at 10:00am

Game break will be from 12:00pm-1:00pm

Lunch available at Snackshot from 11:30am - 2:00pm

Game resumes at 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Raffle 3:00pm - 3:30pm

Final Battle 3:45pm - 4:15pm

Final score, awards for MVP/MVT, and the after party will begin at 4:30pm at Snackshot.

Meet Your Generals:

Commanding the Adventurers as Ash Ketchum (BLUE TEAM) is Kyle Auger. Captain of the Knights D4 Team, Kyle has plenty of paintball experience. A veteran of the game having played for over >>> years. Kyle not only brings his paintball skills but his love for video games, dungeons and dragons and all things Pokémon. 

Commanding Team Rocket as James (RED TEAM) is Kenny Morin aka “The Rat”. Leader of the Raging Rodents Kenny is a force on the Field! His love for paintball is the real deal, some might say is an obsession! He’s crafty and scrappy. And like a rat, he’s not scared to get a little dirty to win!


Team Adventurers (Blue Team)

Team Rocket (Red Team)


1: Before the start of the game your generals will choose one of 3 pokémon: Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur. Based on the type of pokémon that your general chooses, your team will need to gather experience points to improve your pokémon and evolve it to its highest level.

  • Summary: Find Experience points for your pokémon and level up

Charmander = Fire Experience (Orange pit balls)

Squirtle = Water Experience (Blue pit balls)

Bulbasaur = Grass Experience (Green pit balls)

Please note: your team will only be allowed to grab the pit balls used by your pokémon. 

Experience points are scattered throughout the park. Collect them and bring them back to your team's main base. A player is allowed to gather more than one experience point (pit ball) at a time. However, if a player is eliminated while carrying an experience point then must drop them on the ground. 

Experience Points:

0 - 74    = Original Level

75 - 149  = Evolution 1

150 - 299 = Evolution 2

300 - 399 = Mega Evolution 

400+     = Max level

1000 Points for each file level up/evolution.

2: Get Your PokéDex from Professor Oak and Start Catching Pokemon!

  • Summary: Professor Oak, the leading pokémon researcher, has a special gift for you, a pokéDex. The PokéDex allows you to identify and capture wild pokémon. Professor Oak was last seen out in the field on a new research project. Find him and claim your PokéDex. Bring your PokéDex back to your base so your team can start capturing wild pokémon.

500 points for getting your PokéDex

Capture Pokemon: Hundreds of wild pokémon are located throughout the world and it's your job to capture them all. Each Pokemon captured and brought back to your base is worth points so make sure you capture as many as possible.

Points are based on the HP of each pokémon. HP points are located on the top right of each card.

2: Challenge and Defeat four gym leaders

  • Summary: Four gyms are located throughout the region. Locate each gym and challenge the gym leader. The gym leader will give you specific instructions on how to defeat them and receive the gym padge. Bring your gym badge back to your base to score.


1000 points for each Gym Leader Defeated

Starting Base/ Respawn Area:

The Adventurers (Castle)

Team Rocket (Octagon)

GAME 2: Catch'em All

 1: Another Game, another starter! Your generals will again choose one of 3 pokémon: Chinderquill, Totodile, or Chikurita. Based on the type of pokémon that your general chooses, your team will need to gather experience points to improve your pokémon and evolve it to its highest level.

  • Summary: Find Experience points for your pokémon and Level up

Chinderquill = Fire Experience (Orange pit balls)

Totodile = Water Experience (Blue pit balls)

Chikurita = Grass Experience (Green pit balls)

Please note: your team will only be allowed to grab the pit balls used by your pokémon. 

Experience points are scattered throughout the park. Collect them and bring them back to your team's main base. A player is allowed to gather more than one experience point (pit ball) at a time. However, if a player is eliminated while carrying an experience point then must drop them on the ground. 

Experience Points:

0 - 74    = Original Level

75 - 149  = Evolution 1

150 - 299 = Evolution 2

300 - 399 = Mega Evolution 

400+     = Max level 

1000 Points for each file level up/evolution.

2: Catch all the Pokemon! There are hundreds of pokemon remaining!

  • Summary: Catch as many pokemon as possible. Each Pokemon captured and brought back to your base is worth points so make sure you capture as many as possible. 

3: Help find out more about ancient Pokemon. Professor Oak is researching ancient Pokemon and has heard about a dig site that might have produced actual Pokemon fossils. 

  • Summary: Find Professor Oak and find out the location of the dig site. When you have located the dig site. Find a pokemon fossil and bring it back to Professor Oak to score.

1000 points for bringing a fossil to the professor. 

4: Defeat the remaining 4 gym leaders

  • Summary: Four gyms are located throughout the region. Locate each gym and challenge the gym leader. The gym leader will give you specific instructions on how to defeat them and receive the gym badge. Bring your gym badge back to your base to score. Be aware gyms are harder.


1000 points for each Gym Leader Defeated

Starting Base/ Respawn Area:

The Adventurers (Octagon)

Team Rocket (Castle)

GAME 3: Become a Pokémon Master!

1: Now that your team has evolved your pokémon and strengthened your team, it's time to become a Pokemon Master!

  • Summary: Use your skills to make your team win OUR FINAL BATTLE OF THE DAY!

1)  Eliminate players from the other team.

  • 10 points for every player eliminated

2) Eliminate generals from the other team

  • 50 points for every general eliminated

3) Raid Battle Mega Pokemon

  • 1000 points per Mega Pokémon captured - Be one of the first 3 players to tag the mega pokémon to start the raid battle

4) Find the GameBoy Pokemon Cartridges 

  • 1000 points per cartridge found. Bring the cartridge to your main base to score


The Adventures (BLUE)

Team Rocket (RED)


Player Points:

  • 10 Points for every player shot out of the game (this will be tracked at respawn)

**Players caught cheating will cost their team (-100 points) don’t cheat...it's not cool.


One location for each team behind the main base. At the start of each game, respawn will be instant. Players must touch respawn points.


Poke Center Medics will be roaming throughout the field and will be represented by a medic armband. Each player will be given a medic card. When a player is eliminated they can respawn by bringing their card to the medic or original respawn area. The medic will punch out a hole in the card and the player will then be able to return to the game. On the third punch the player must return to the original respawn area. The medic is a referee.


Several perks are located throughout the fields.

Reflect Shields: Several shields are located through the field and players can use them to protect themselves. If a player gets shot out they must drop the shield where they are standing.


Nurse Joy Bandaid: Use the Nurse Joy Bandaid to revive yourself. Once you have been eliminated give the Nurse Joy bandaid to any referee and he will allow you to be revived back into the game. Bandaids are for single use and cannot be used multiple times. 

Smoke Screen: Use your pokemon to Smoke out your opponents with a smoke screen. Symbolized by your team's color, a smoke grenade will be used on a location of your choice. Anyone caught in the smoke will faint(be eliminated) and have to go back to respawn. (this DOES include your own team members, so be careful!) Players must bring perks to the respawn referee to use it. 

Seed Bomb: Find this perk and deploy a seed bomb mine field. Once the seed bomb perk is deployed, any player that walks within a 10 foot radious of the seed bomb mine field will be eliminated. The seed bomb mine field can only be removed with kadabra’s psychic perk.

Evolution Stone: 3 types of evolution stones are hidden through the region, a Fire Stone, a Leaf Stone, and a Water Stone. Find an evolution stone that corresponds with the type of pokemon you have and automatically evolve it to the next level. I.e. a Fire Stone will Evolve Charmander to Charmeleon. Bring the evolution stone to your main base to score. 

Kadabra’s Psychic: Use your kadabra’s psychic abilities to remove the seed bomb mine field. Once the seed bomb is removed please bring the prop to the closest referee. Players must have Kadabra’s Psychic card on them to use the ability.

*Rest: Find this perk and revive your entire team. When the rest perk is found and used any eliminated player walking back to the respawn area will automatically be revived. Players must bring perks to ANY referee to use it. 

*Arceus Time Stop: Find this perk and stop the opposing team respawn for 3 minutes. Players must bring perks to the respawn referee to use it. 

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