Limited Capacity

The Witcher Play & Rules

October 7, 2022

Learn how to play in The Witcher Scenario Game

The Wild Hunt, a band of otherworldly wraiths, led by the malevolent King Eredin arrives outside Kaer Morhen. His goal is to capture Princess Cirilla and use her powers to conquer other worlds including yours. Cirilla having foreseen the attack, has gathered aid from the legendary Witcher named Geralt, Yennefer the Mage, and a group of allies to fend off Eredins attack.

THE WITCHER is here and the full paintball scenario experience is back at Adventure Games. This means no mandatory pre-registration or player cap for this event. MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY! Raffle Prizes, trophies for MVP and MVT, pictures, lunch from Snackshot, and all the paintball you could ask for! Formulate your battle plans and read the game rules below.

Sunday’s Schedule:

Gates open at 7:00am

Check in starts at 7:15am

Breakfast from Snack Shot will be available from 7:30am - 10:00am

Meet your generals, safety and game briefing 9:00am

Game starts at 10:00am

Game break will be from 12:00pm-1:00pm

Lunch available at Snackshot from 11:30am - 2:00pm

Game resumes at 1:00pm - 2:45pm

Raffle 3:00pm - 3:30pm

Final Battle 3:45pm - 4:15pm

Final score, awards for MVP/MVT, and the after party will begin at 4:30pm at Snackshot.

Meet Your Generals:

Commanding The Allies as Geralt (BLUE TEAM) is Curt Lyons. He started playing in the mid 90’s and began reffing a few years later. His starting paintball field for play and work was Canobie Paintball, which set the standard for New England paintball before it closed in the early 2000’s. RIP. When asked to describe his play style, Curt responded with, “geriatic or on life

support.” In reality Curt has a commanding presence on the field and through years of experience can adapt for any obstacle that arises. Off the field Curt and his team, Northern Invasion, strive to cultivate and expand the family setting at AG.

Commanding The Wild Hunt as King Eredin (RED TEAM) is Bill Mullaney. He has been involved in local paintball for 20 years, 19 of those at OSG and currently is their Head Ref. Bill is affiliated with the Rubber Duckies, Paint the World, and 603 Paintball Ref Union. When asked to describe his play style, Bill responded with, “a mixture of Jimi Hendrix and Animal from the Muppets.” On the flip side Bill is super passionate about paintball, approachable, kind, and always looking out for new players testing out the sport.


Geralt and The Allies (BLUE TEAM)

The Wild Hunt (RED TEAM)


Summary: Each Team must strengthen their forces and prepare for the enemy.

Team Starting Base:

Geralt and The Allies (Castle Anthrax)

The Wild Hunt (Octagon)

OBJECTIVE 1: Find weapons and magical items on the field for your Mages and Warriors to wield in battle!

Geralt and The Allies must find Items for Vesemir the Warrior and Yennefer the Mage. Items must be brought back to your team's base to score.

Vesemir Items Include:

  • Steel Sword 25pts
  • Silver Sword 25pts

Yennefer Items Include:

  • Amulet 25 pts
  • Magic Gauntlets (2) 15pts each

The Wild Hunt must find items for Imlerith the Warrior and Caranthir the Mage. Items must be brought back to your team's base to score.

Imlerith Items Include:

  • Mace 25pts
  • Shield 25pts

Caranthir Items Include:

  • Hilt 25 pts
  • Crystal 15pts
  • Scepter Head 15pts

OBJECTIVE 2: Find Instructions on how to build your team's megascope, or magical altar. Lore has it that assembling a megascope or altar in the right location will allow a powerful mage to harness an unbelievable amount of mana. Instructions on how to properly build a megascope have been hidden around the realm for safe keeping. Your team must find all 3 books containing the instruction. Instruction must be brought back to your team’s base to score.

20 points for each book of instructions found

OBJECTIVE 3: After the complete instructions on how to build your megascope or altar have been found your team must construct it to capture mana for your mage at each “rift”. Each Team has up to 4 Rift locations where an altar or megascope could be built. Bonus points for each altar remaining at the end of the first battle. But beware your enemy can destroy your altar if left unattended.

20 points for each alter built

10 points for each altar remaining after the end of the game

Geralt and The Allies Altar Includes: Base, Candles, Crystal Ball and Magic Cloth

The Wild Hunt Alter Includes: Base, Magic Sack, Skull, Antlers


The Warrior from each team will square off in a warriors dual! Each warrior will try to tag their opponent with their weapon to eliminate him. A bonus life will be awarded for every piece of equipment found in the 1st game. Spectators can also be summoned to the duel. Spectators must be defended by their team’s warriors. Bonus points for every spectator left alive at the end of the dual.

25 pts for winning the dual

10 points for every spectator left alive at the end


Summary: Your mage is ready to weld their magic and activate the arc pylons.

Team Starting Base:

Geralt and The Allies (Octagon)

The Wild Hunt (Castle Anthrax)

OBJECTIVE 1: Each of your mages needs items to cast a magical spell to help their allies have an advantage in battle. Find the required resources for your mage!

Geralt and The Allies must find the following items. Items must be brought back to their team base and places in their cauldron to score:

  • Blue Potion Bottle (20pts)
  • Witcher Medallion (20pts)
  • Dragon’s Tooth (20pts)
  • Griffins Feathers (20pts)
  • Goblin Blood (20pts)

The Wild Hunt must find the following items. Items must be brought back to their team base and places in their chest to score:

  • Witcher Medallion (20pts)
  • Red Potion Bottle (20pts)
  • Basilisk Scales (20pts)
  • Unicorn Blood (20pts)
  • Wyvern Eye (20pts)

For any team that is able to get all its magical items, their mage will be able to trap a mobile respawn point on one field for the remainder of the game!

The Bog Witch: For both teams, find your Mages Items the old fashion way and/or, find the Bog Witch that resides in the forest. The Witch will give you useful information, but only for a price. Complete a task for the Bog Witch and they will give you a map containing the location of the needed magical items.

OBJECTIVE 2: Arc pylons or magical towers have appeared all over the realm. Use your mages mana to charge the arc pylon and summon magical warriors to help in your quest to defeat the enemy. 12 arc pylons are located around the realm. Teams must bring 3 mana spheres to each arc pylon to fully activate them. Once your forces are able to fully activate the arc pylon your team will summon a New Witcher or Monster to help them in battle. Monsters and Witchers are also able to move arc pylons that have not received any mana to anywhere in the realm, other than inside their teams main base. (please note arc pylons can only be moved one at a time)

25 points for each pylon activated

Arc pylons must be defended! Any arc pyon still active at the end of the game will receive bonus points.

10 points for each mana remaining on an arc pylon at the end of the game.

OBJECTIVE 3: Toss a coin to your bard! Find Jaskier, the bard, and toss him a coin for his tunes.

10 points for each coin you are able to deliver to Jaskier.


Summary: King Eredin’s forces have pushed Ciri, Geralt, and the rest of The Allies into Kern Morhan where they prepare for one FINAL ASSAULT!

Team Starting Base:

Geralt and The Allies (Octagon)

The Wild Hunt (Frequency, Airship, and breakpoint)

OBJECTIVE 1: Geralt and The Allies Must bring Ciri to 4 locations to create time rifts. If Ciri can create all four time rifts all monsters and The Wild Hunt would be vanquished for ever. The Wild Hunt must keep Ciri from reaching the locations to create the time rifts to survive!

Please note that once a time rift has been opened on a particular field, that field will no longer be accessible and the respawn area will be closed. ONLY Ciri, Witchers and Monster will be allowed to traverse the areas that time rifts have been opened.

30 points for each time rift opened

30 points for each time rift closed

1)  Eliminate players from the other team.

  • 1 point for every player eliminated

2) Eliminate mages/warriors from the other team

  • 2 points for every mage/warrior eliminated

3) Eliminate generals from the other team

  • 3 points for every general eliminatedGeneral


The Wild Hunt (BLUE)

Geralt and The Allies (RED)

Scenario Color (PURPLE)

Player Points:

  • 10 Points for every player shot out of the game (this will be tracked at respawn)

** players caught cheating will cost their team (-10 points) don’t cheat...it's not cool.


One location for each team behind the main base. At the start of each game respawn will be instant. Players must touch respawn points. Mobile respawns function the same as base respawns.


Several perks are located throughout the fields.

  • Reflect Shields: Several shields are located through the field and players can use them to protect themselves. If a player gets shot out they must drop the shield where they are standing.
  • Health Potion: Use the Health Potion to revive yourself. Once you have been eliminated give the Potion to any referee and they will allow you to be revived back into the game. Health Potions are for single use and cannot be used multiple times.
  • Dragon’s Rage: A nearby dragon enticed by the carnage, swoops down and burns everyone(both teams). A red smoke grenade will be used and if you are caught in the smoke you ARE eliminated.
  • Magic Trap: Find this perk and deploy a magic trap mine field. Once the magic trap perk is deployed, any player that walks within a 10 foot radius of the magic trap mine field will be eliminated. MAGES are the ONLY PLAYER that can remove a magic trap once it has been set.
  • Dimiritium Bomb: Deploy the Dimiritium Bomb to kill witchers monsters, warriors, or mages, and destroys magic trap mine field. The Bomb kills in a 10 foot radius, at ref discretion, get a ref prior to use. (BANG Grenade)
  • Magical Interference: Use the Magical Interference to delay respawn and mobile spawn for 3 minutes.
  • Revive the Dead: Find this perk and revive the dead. When the revive the death perk is earned and used any eliminated player walking back to the respawn area will automatically be revived. ONE time use only.

Players must bring perks to ANY referee to use it.

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